Friday, November 30, 2007

NEW Children's Ebook Launch!

Coming Soon!

NEW Children's Picture ebook Launched at my new website early December 2007

Title: "Everyone Thinks I'm Mad"
Written By Paul Taylor & Illustrated By Fiona Jarvis
(Profiles included below)

Young Children's fiction ~ Australian twist
An adventure about a little girl who struggles to rid her room of monsters because no one believes her...
Until her Uncle Patrick arrives from Australia!
30 individual pages of full colour illustrations
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 PDF
$10.00 AUS each

Help us support children all over the world
$1.00 from every ebook sold will be DONATED to our
Charity ~ ChildFund Australia

Order before 25th December 2007 to recieve a FREE offer
x1 Fun full colour ETIM ebook illustration as a Screen saver!

Please visit us at soon!
OR Order NOW! email

Author Profile: Paul Taylor
Paul a very creative individual with a passion for children's literature

and a high regard for children.

He brings this uniqueness to the characters in his books.

Paul has previously published two Children's picture books titled

"Wizard Garagery" (A wizard who fixes cars) & "Magic Tooth Trading Company"

(Tooth Fairy company) Hardcopy's available by contacting Paul direct.

Ebook version's coming soon to

To Contact:

Sunset Designs, PO Box 425, DONGARA, W.A. 6525

Phone: (08) 9926 1519


Illustrator Profile: Fiona Jarvis

Designer, Illustrator & Author.

She enjoys writing short stories, poetry and children's picture books

inspired by her natural surroundings in the beautiful South West of Western Australia

where she still lives with her husband and children on the family farm.

To Contact:

Core Creations, PO Box 51, DONNYBROOK W.A. 6239

Phone: (08) 9731 1373
