Saturday, December 22, 2007
Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 3, 2007
ChildFund Australia
Looking for unique Christmas gifts for your friends and family? Make your shopping easy with ChildFund’s Donations with a Difference catalogue; great gift ideas that are fun to give and change lives! Baby chickens, school kits, orchards and sewing machines, there’s something for everyone! Buy online today!
Friday, November 30, 2007
NEW Children's Ebook Launch!
NEW Children's Picture ebook Launched at my new website early December 2007
Title: "Everyone Thinks I'm Mad"
Written By Paul Taylor & Illustrated By Fiona Jarvis
(Profiles included below)
Young Children's fiction ~ Australian twist
An adventure about a little girl who struggles to rid her room of monsters because no one believes her...
Until her Uncle Patrick arrives from Australia!
30 individual pages of full colour illustrations
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 PDF
$10.00 AUS each
Help us support children all over the world
$1.00 from every ebook sold will be DONATED to our
Charity ~ ChildFund Australia
Order before 25th December 2007 to recieve a FREE offer
x1 Fun full colour ETIM ebook illustration as a Screen saver!
Please visit us at soon!
OR Order NOW! email
Author Profile: Paul Taylor
Paul a very creative individual with a passion for children's literature
and a high regard for children.
He brings this uniqueness to the characters in his books.
Paul has previously published two Children's picture books titled
"Wizard Garagery" (A wizard who fixes cars) & "Magic Tooth Trading Company"
(Tooth Fairy company) Hardcopy's available by contacting Paul direct.
Ebook version's coming soon to
To Contact:
Sunset Designs,
Phone: (08) 9926 1519
Illustrator Profile: Fiona Jarvis
Designer, Illustrator & Author.
She enjoys writing short stories, poetry and children's picture books
inspired by her natural surroundings in the beautiful South West of Western Australia
where she still lives with her husband and children on the family farm.
To Contact:
Core Creations,
Phone: (08) 9731 1373
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Unique Wilderness Experience
“I’d been climbing for hours, stepping higher and deeper than I’d ever dared venture before. Sweat trickled down my face as the searing heat of the sun beat down on my neck. I paused for a moment as I approached the cool canopy of tangled wild fig roots clinging to the jaggered bare rocks. As I looked around in silence I was calmed by the beautiful spirit I felt. I wiped my brow and breathed in the sweet cleansed air. I took a quenching drink from my water bottle and melted into this unique wilderness country.” By Fiona Jarvis
Subscribe to Fiona's ezine articles at
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Reflecting on Joyful Affirmations for Life
Affirmations to live by found at
JOY ~ When you do things from your soul you feel a river moving in you.
LOVE ~ There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
COURAGE ~ A thousand mile journey begins with ONE step.
HAPPINESS ~ Something to do, someone to love and something to hope for.
DESIRE ~ Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you truly love.
MYSTERY ~ The journey of life is so beautiful that it needs no destination.
Enjoy Life in Happiness ~ F.L.J.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Poem Inspired by Nature

Harsh blazed formations.
Ancient coloured ochre,
Jaggered burning scarp.
Beneath cascading droplets,
Delicate foliage clings.
Millennium swirling floods,
Smooths tumbled rocks.
Rippled fossil tide,
Silently lies beneath.
Crystal clear pools,
Life abundantly inhabits.
Tranquil drifting streams,
Grace tangled forests.
Unique beautiful aura,
Overwhelms drenched senses.
Eternal Kakadu paradise,
Restores inner peace.
Copyright Fiona Jarvis 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
CORE CREATIONS ~ Fiona L. Jarvis
Welcome I'm a creative soul with a passion to create unique Australian imagery.
Through my design business Core Creations my aim is to inspire the world by capturing the natural beauty of Australia's ancient spirit.
I hope you enjoy my images and they will bring you true happiness everyday.
My collection includes photo's, illustration's and paintings.
Please enquire via email for a price list & downloadable imagery available PLUS my Graphic Design & Illustration services.
All images Copyright Fiona Jarvis